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Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is a Sleep Consultant?
    A sleep consultant is a person who works with families to get their little one sleeping better this can include helping your little one to sleep independently, introducing a more structured routine or improve their sleeping environment.
  • What Do Sleep Consultants Do?
    A sleep consultant will the take time to learn about your family and your little one’s current sleep habits. They will design a tailored support plan for you to inform you what good sleep looks like this will be age appropriate for your child. A sleep consultant will create a individualise plan to help you teach your little one the skills required to get the sleep they need.
  • What is it like to work with you?
    When working with me I like to get to know my families well to be able give them the best advice and support to meet their needs. When working together I believe in open and honest communication this allows the client to receive the best and most relevant sleep advice.
  • How long does it take?
    There is no definite answer to this question. Some families with see improvement in just a few days others while others will take longer. Factors like consistency, what the caused the sleep issue or what is sustaining the sleep issue will play a role.
  • Will my little one cry?
    The short answer to is question yes. The longer answer is your little one will cry as a form of communication. When working will families I don’t aim to stop the crying but help parents investigate what the little is trying to communicate through crying and response appropriately.
  • Will the improvements in sleep last?
    Through our time working together I will provide my clients with the knowledge and skills require to keep their little one’s sleep on track.
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