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My Philosophy


What my clients get from working with me

I work towards providing all my clients with tailored sleep advice to solve whatever the current sleep issue is. I also equip my clients with the knowledge and skills required to keep their little one’s sleep on track and deal with any and all sleep issues that may arise in the future. When collaborating with me it is a partnership, you bring the in-depth knowledge of your little one, I bring the in-depth knowledge to improve your little one’s sleep and with my guidance and support and your input we solve the issues your little one is having.

Image by Omar Lopez

Mission statement

To work with families to bring restful and peaceful sleep to the whole family.

Core Values

When working with a family we work towards building an understanding of sleep and its importance in every aspect of day-to-day life. I work with families to find the best solution to suit their family so that restful sleep becomes the norm and families are left with the skills and knowledge to maintain age-appropriate restorative sleep.

Client expectations

When working with clients they will get the best from the experience if they are:

  1. Honest about their feelings throughout the programme

  2. Open to coaching

  3. Provide timely feedback on progress and setbacks.

  4. Commit their time and effort to achieve the goal they set

  5. Attend all support calls.

Consultant expectations

When working with me clients can expect the following:

  1. I will listen thoughtfully and carefully about any concerns they may have about the process of teaching their little one the skills required to improve their sleep.

  2. I will work with you not against you to help you achieve the sleep goal you have set out.

  3. I will offer encouragement when needed to keep progressing and improving your little one’s sleep.

  4. I will provide with the knowledge and skills you need to not only improve your little one’s sleep but also maintain that improvement.

  5. I will be there to hold you accountable if needed to keep making progress with your little one's sleep

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